Active-Reflective Dimension

Active Learners:
retain and understand information best by discussing it, applying it or explaining it to others
"let’s try it out and see how it works"
prefer group work
finds it difficult to sit in lectures just taking notes; requires interaction

Reflective Learners:
retain and understand information best by thinking about it first
"let’s think it through first"
prefer working alone
needs thinking time during lectures

In the light of these features of Active and Inactive learning styles, what would you suggest these types of learners to do in class? Suggest them some learning strategies.

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sema yildiz said...

Active Learners

In classes that allow little time for discussion or problem solving activities,they should compensate for these lacks when they study.

They should study in a group, with members taking turns to explain different topics

They should work with others to "guess" what will be potential exam questions and figure out the answers

They will always retain information better if they find ways to do something with it

Reflective Learners
In classes that allow little or no time for thinking about new information,they should compensate for this when studying

don’t just read or memorise the material.

They should stop periodically to review what you have read and to think of possible questions or applications

it might be helpful to write short summaries of readings or class notes in your own words
doing the above may take extra time but you will be able to retain material more effectively

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